The St Agatha's School Board provides a partnership between the School, Parents and the Parish community. The School Board endorses, validates and reviews the decision-making processes of the Principal. The School Board uses the model of shared wisdom; it is not a management board. The Board members are not "representatives" of constituent groups; rather they contribute to discussion from a variety of perspectives.
The Board comprises:
- Fr Michael Grace (Parish Priest)

- Ms Anne-Marie Maw (Principal)
- Mr Jake Knowles (APRE)
- Miss Allyssa Di Donna (School Representative)
- Mr Bernie McGovern (Chair)
- Mr Jarrod Villani
- Ms Adelaide McDonald
The responsibility for management of the school and decision making rests with the Principal and her dedicated team. The Board’s role involves the local community on the “bigger picture” of school planning and assists in setting directions for the school.
The Board is “pastoral” – concerned with nurturing the dignity and self worth of people, building life-giving relationships and the holistic educational welfare of the students. Its responsibilities include but are not limited to:
- Development of a Vision and Mission Statement;
- Developing “What to Do” policies in consultation with the school community;
- Overseeing planning and building and the school’s budget.
The St Agatha’s school board uses the “shared wisdom” model of decision-making - everyone has a piece of the wisdom, no-one has all the wisdom, we all get different pieces.
The board meets on the third Tuesday of the month at 5pm and has a reporting function to the Parish Pastoral Council and to the Parents and Friends Association.
2024 Meeting Dates to be advised.
Brisbane Catholic Education.
School Board Constitution 2021.pdf
Volunteer Statement of Responsibility Board Member St Agathas 2024.pdf