Anaphylaxis Policy


Anaphylaxis is a severe and sudden allergic reaction.  It occurs when a person is exposed to an allergen (such as food or an insect bite).  Reactions usually begin within minutes of exposure and can progress rapidly over a period of up to two hours or more.  Anaphylaxis is potentially life threatening and always requires an emergency response.  Fortunately anaphylactic reactions are uncommon and usually preventable. 
We have a number of students on site who are anaphylactic.  These students are allergic to nuts, nut products, dairy and ants/insects. 
Therefore, at St. Agatha’s school we seek to educate students, staff and parents/carers about the effects of anaphylaxis and ensure safe, appropriate intervention as required.


St. Agatha’s school Anaphylaxis policy aims to:
  • Safely support within the school environment, students with anaphylaxis and severe allergies
  • Develop and maintain a school action and implementation plan when dealing with students who have severe and/or life threatening allergies
  • Provide a position for the community on management protocols to proactively and reactively support affected students
  • Document the school’s position on responding to the needs of students with severe and/or life threatening allergies


  • Parents/Carers of anaphylactic students are required to meet with the appropriate administration representative and key staff to develop an individual plan that details the student’s needs in the event of an anaphylactic reaction.  In this meeting arrangements are to be made in regard to the provision of Epi Pens by the parents.
  • All staff associated with anaphylactic students, including school officers, will be made aware of the students’ condition and requirements.  Staff will be provided with professional development as required including instructions in relation to using the Epi Pen.  Professional development in this area will be updated regularly, and, as a minimum, be revisited at the beginning of each school year.
  • Relief teachers will be shown the school anaphylaxis action plan and the identified students with severe/life threatening allergies.  They will have information about these students in the relief teacher folders which they are given on arrival. A copy of the action plan and students’ photos will be placed in the school office (first aid room), staffroom and given to each teacher.
  • All students at the school are educated in relation to practices that minimise the risk to anaphylactic students.
  • Students at the school are not allowed to share food. Special arrangements are made for anaphylactic students (by their parents) for class parties.
  • Bumbags will be carried during breaks by children with severe anaphylactic reactions. These will contain copies of the action plans, epi pens and if indicated anti-histamines.
  • Teachers will take preventative action to minimize the risk of anaphylaxis e.g. for ant allergy the student wears insect repellent when outdoors, for food allergies teachers ensure students eating in close proximity have lunch boxes that are free from anaphylactic triggers.
  • Students with severe allergies order from tuckshop at their parents’ discretion.


  • If a child is displaying an allergic reaction, the teacher in the classroom or on duty sends a yellow emergency card to staffroom or office. Several staff members respond immediately to give assistance and supervise other children.
  • One adult stays with the child and reads action plan from bumbag. One adult calls 000 and parents.
  • Individual action plan is followed for administering epi-pen and/or antihistamine.