Parent Engagement Policy

The purpose of this policy is to describe St Agatha’s Primary School’s approach to parent engagement in the school community.

This policy is to be read in conjunction with the St Agatha’s Parent Handbook, Parent Code of Conduct, Parent Volunteer Code of Conduct and the Brisbane Catholic Education Code of Conduct for Volunteers and Other Personnel.

St Agatha’s Primary School motto ‘Growth, Friendship, Faith’ calls all to build a community of welcome and support. A school community grows when it has a strong foundation of communication, respect and a focus on the common good. St Agatha’s values the relationship between parents/carers, staff and students and recognises the contributions of all in creating a strong learning community. Our volunteers are highly valued contributors to our school community and play a diverse and important role in creating a safe, supportive and positive learning environment for all in our school community.

Parent engagement at St Agatha’s supports the growth of our learners and community underpinned by the school motto ‘Growth, Friendship, Faith’. Through a spirit of service, respect and understanding, we grow learners of all ages to live as disciples of Jesus. As primary care givers parent engagement begins at home with a supportive and engaged approach to our students’ learning. To support our teaching professionals, St Agatha’s school relies on active parent engagement in many forms, not just volunteering in classroom reading. Parent engagement at St Agatha’s is positive, purposeful and in partnership with the teaching staff and school community.

Parent engagement at St Agatha’s:
- Supports the growth and wellbeing of students
- Supports the dignity of each student, teacher and fellow parent
- Promotes respectful and welcoming relationships
- Enables the school community to flourish
- Enacts our school motto ‘Growth, Friendship, Faith’

Parent engagement at St Agatha’s is enhanced through:
- School Board
- Parents and Friends Association
- Social gatherings and celebrations
- Whole school events
- Parent Information nights and workshops
- Crombie Street Drop Off and Pick Up services
- Celebration of Learning each term
- Fundraising support and organisation
- Sports carnival volunteering
- Parent Teacher interviews
- Masses and liturgical celebrations
- Pastoral Care Parent group
- Working bees and helper days
- Excursion and incursion support
- Classroom support
- Social Media – liking, commenting, sharing the St Agatha’s Facebook Page
- Responding to school feedback surveys

St Agatha’s Primary School Parent Handbook
St Agatha’s Primary School Parent Volunteer Code of Conduct
St Agatha’s Primary School Parent Code of Conduct
Brisbane Catholic Education Code of Conduct for Volunteers and Other Personnel
Brisbane Catholic Education Volunteer and Other Personnel Training and Registration form