Enrolment Information

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​St Agatha's is a Co-Educational Catholic School offering enrolment from Prep to Year 6. Enrolment applications are submitted online and accepted at any time.  Please note that completion of these forms does not guarantee enrolment and is an APPLICATION ONLY.  Enrolment will depend upon the availability of an appropriate placement for your child and the satisfactory completion of an interview between yourselves, the child and the Principal Ms Anne-Marie Maw.
The following is our school's process for Enrolment:
  1. Complete the Online Enrolment Application Form
  2. Complete Criteria Sheet
  3. Copy of Birth Certificate
  4. Copy of Baptismal Certificate, if applicable; 
  5. Copy of current school report if applying for Years 1 to 6
  6. Pay a non-refundable Enrolment Application Fee​ of $60.00
  7. Send all documentation to pclaenrolments@bne.catholic.edu.au
Please note only completed applications will be considered for a place.

  • If applying for enrolment for more than one ​student, when the form is completed there will be an option available to submit another enrolment for each additional student.
  • Children who are not accepted in the first round of offers will be asked if they wish to remain on a waiting list. Notification of this step will be communicated to parents via email.

Please contact School Enrolments on 3326 9222 (Option 3) should you experience any difficulty completing the online application for enrolment.

Prep Enrolment Applications

Below is a recommended Year Level for Prep Enrolments:-

​1 JULY 2018 to 30 JUNE 2019
​1 JULY 2019 to 30 JUNE 2020
​1 JULY 2020 to 30 JUNE 2021
​1 JULY 2021 to 30 JUNE 2022
​1 JULY 2022 to 30 JUNE 2023
​1 JULY 202​3 to 30 JUNE 2024

​ ​​Enrolment Priority Criteria

  1. ​Sibling of student curr​ently at S​chool. 
  2. Catholic in the Parish or Parish without a School. 
  3. Catholic outside​ the Parish. 
  4. Other Religions, beliefs.